Maison Renoux
Stanley, VIC
Brief info
Michel Renoux grows his own varieties of cider apples and hand crafts his vinegars just as his father and uncle had shown him in Brittany. His cellar in Stanley, Victoria, houses rows of 1000 litre tanks of cider being transformed into vinegar by the ‘mother’ which looks like a jelly mass that floats on top of the cider. It consists of a thick web of acetic acid bacteria which protects the vinegar below from oxidising, creating a beautifully sharp vinegar with surprising sweetness
Unpasteurised organic apple cider vinegar is vinegar in its natural form. It is a rich, amber colour that has a cloudy appearance referred to as the ‘mother of vinegar’. It is claimed that this mother of vinegar is where all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes associated with apple cider vinegar are found. The pasteurisation process of non-organic apple cider vinegar removes the mother of vinegar and it's beneficial properties.